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Latest revision as of 16:52, 16 June 2010

Had same problem on Dell but found that the problem was my image was from a disk that had two partitions. The combination of the size of the two partitions was larger then the disk I was installing to. Booted Ubuntu live CD 8.04 resized the original disk partitions, re-imaged up to fog server and then the image came down.

I would like to confirm that the Optiplex 740's have no problems (hardware wise) working with FOG. I have aprox 30 working with fog right now with no issues.

The problem your running into is most likely Dell's "Utility Partition". The best way to fix this is to reformat the drive and do a new Windows install.

Personally I believe that no matter what vendor you get your computers from, when it comes to making an image you should always format and start fresh, Dell does an OK job setting up windows on the optiplex systems, but its still not a clean fresh windows install.

I had problems booting DELL OPTIPLEX 740 from FOG PXE: I got the message "Not enough memory to load especified image" when the client was trying to download fog/images/init.gz. I think this is the original problem that caused this machine to be included in the problematic devices list, because the solution is that explained in the Problematic Devices page: update de BIOS to the 1.1.8 version and use the PS kernel. It is important to note that later versions of BIOS have the same bad behavior, so you must use version 1.1.8, not latest version released by DELL (that is easier to find!). Note: I'm using FOG 0.28 and PS Kernel

User Note: Please also see Optiplex_740 for additional information on the enhanced version. I personally experienced this problem with the Optiplex 740 (not enhanced) with BIOS versions 2.2.2 and 2.2.5. Please note that these two kernels did not work with either the KS or the PS kernels. Once I downgraded my BIOS to the older 1.1.8 version as mentioned by the user in the paragraph above, I was able to boot into FOG with the KS kernel, but it could not send the inventory. When I changed to the PS kernel, I was able to boot and send my inventory. This is with FOG 0.29 and kernel versions (both KS and PS) (latest available at my time of troubleshooting).

Dell Optiplex GX520

I'm having the same issue with Fatal Error: Disk Device not found! I have successfully deployed an image to a dozen GX520's and now I keep seeing this error on multiple systems with fresh hard drives. After further testing it appears that our new image was the issue. The image would download on a PC that had been previously imaged but would not work on a fresh HDD. We attribute this to partitioning even though all the images were created for a single partition.