Change NFS location
OUTDATED: this information is for an old version of FOG. See Template:Storage Management how to change the image path.
This is not about a seperate NFS server in general, but about how to change the local storage directory and export it correctly.
As FOG sets the default location to /images in your / -partition you may want to have it in your /home-directory or partition.
You have to change these values and config files:
- 1. Edit /var/www/fog/commons/config.php. (on centos 6 see /var/www/html/fog/commons/config.php)
for example.
If you already have created images with FOG, don't forget to move the complete directory /images to the new place. Be sure that the correct access rights are granted.
- 2. Edit your exports file (in /etc/exports) to export the new location via NFS:
/home/fog/images *(ro,sync,no_wdelay,insecure_locks,no_root_squash,insecure)
/home/fog/images/dev *(rw,sync,no_wdelay,no_root_squash,insecure)
After that tell the running NFS-server to read the new config:
exportfs -a
- 3. Edit your storage-node definition:
Go to Storage -> All storage nodes and edit the entry of the "Image Location:" to your new target for your Storage Node "DefaultMember".
After that your "Disk Information" (Free / Used / Total) at the dashboard may not be correct anymore. Edit the file freespace.php in your web-root (/var/www/fog/status/) (on centos 6 see /var/www/html/fog/status):
define( "SPACE_DEFAULT_STORAGE", "/home/fog/images/" );
You may also need to modify the permissions for the /home/fog directory. It is suggested that you use:
chmod 701 /home/fog
- 4. Create .mntcheck file in your new "images" and "dev" folders :
touch .mntcheck
That's all!