Include any ISO in the FOG Bootmenu
In this example I will use the PartedM agic ISO, but Clonezilla, Linux distributions, Hirens Boot CD, and other bootable ISO's can be used.
Create a folder in /tftpboot/fog/ called partedmagic, copy the partedmagic.iso file into this folder and also copy and paste the MemDisk file found in /tftpboot/fog/
Browse to /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/ and edit the 'default' file in there and add:
LABEL PartedMagic kernel fog/partedmagic/memdisk append iso initrd=fog/partedmagic/partedmagic.iso raw MENU PartedMagic TEXT HELP Gparted + Clonezilla + Firefox ENDTEXT
You can also see this forum post for more instruction - [1]
Please remember that if you create a new folder in the /tftpboot directory you will also need to include MemDisk in the same folder! The link above also includes a TFTP folder you can use to try on your own. It includes DBAN and Dell diagnostics's .ISO's.
Note: In FOG 1.3.0+, the MemDisk kernel is included as a default unless specified otherwise.