Troubleshoot NFS

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Article under construction. 4-30-2015

Gibberish / notes (temporary work space till article completion)

Fog uses NFS in the inits as a temporary place to mount the servers images directory during upload and download When an upload is happening it mounts through NFS to servers /images/dev When a download occurs it mounts through NFS to servers /images /images is mounted read only and /images/dev is mounted read write FTP during the imaging process is only used for uploads after the image upload is complete FTP moves /images/dev/<macOfRelevantHost> to /image/<imagePath> FTP is also used to replicate images to other nodes in the same group and to replicate to other groups master node that is assigned to the image Tom • 3:22 AM

/etc/exports  ??? Wayne Workman 1 min

Tom Elliott that's what configures the NFS Tom • 1 min