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(Progress Bar in FOG)
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Latest revision as of 22:18, 17 August 2011

Progress Bar in FOG


With fog default installation, the capture and deployment progress bar only works if you are using Single partition image type. There is no way around that. I was searching forum and internet for past month or so to get progress bar work with multipartition image type. I was not able to find anything, so after giving up internet search, I looked the fog script [that is main script for capture or deploy] few time and no kidding I went line by line.

Finally I was able to pin point what is preventing multi-partition progress bar to appear. There is script in fog mini os called "fog.statusreporter" that is responsible for sending data to MySQL database. But that script dont produce any input, it fetches the input from any other temporary/on the fly (as far I know) file called status.fog.

So what happens is that when you use single partition, the output of partimage (fog use this tool for cloning) get posted to status.fog and the fog.statusreporter picks it and send it to MySQL and from there fog web interface will pick and present it to user. This is I believe done via ajax which queries database frequently get the up to date status. The whole process is only limited to single partition image. But all the tools which are making it work are in fog script to you can have pretty good idea what is doing what if you have some knowledge of Linux/UNIX. You probably have notice this line fog.statusreporter $mac $web & partimage restore $win7sys /images/${img}/sys.img.000 -f3 -b 2>/tmp/status.fog The are the key tools which making that progress bar appear. Noice that the output of partimage is going to status.fog and then fog.statusreporter is picking it passing along to MySQL database

I you can make this change to where ever you want result to go to MySQL i.e. multipartition [mps], all partition [mpa] etc..

You should be able to get the progress bar, that is how I got it working [1]

Feel free to ask any question(s), and sorry for the dry talk. I can offer my fog script as a patch if anyone needed.